Quilts are Personal...and No More Google Listing – Creekside Quilt Studio

Quilts are Personal...and No More Google Listing

Posted by Tracey Harty on

Since I launched my website last year, I’ve had a Google business listing and have received a variety of interesting phone calls. Some people are looking for fabric (wish I carried it!), others are driving through town and want to be sure to hit every quilt shop in the area.  I currently don’t have an in-person retail situation, but do appreciate the calls and jobs I’ve received.

We know quilts are often heirlooms and items full of memories. The following are some quilting tasks I’ve completed, all surrounding the death of a loved one:

Granddaughter's Bed
Years ago a grandmother made a quilt for her granddaughter’s bed. Over the years, when it had a hole or was missing stitching, grandma would repair it while sitting on the bed chatting with her granddaughter. It was a cherished ritual and once she passed, the now-grown granddaughter wanted to keep the quilt in some state of repair.  Her own mother was not a seamstress so asked me to fix many of the holes and missing applique that had appeared with years of wear and love.

A Daily Reminder
A man’s wife recently passed away and he had downsized his bed from a king to a queen. He wanted to use the 20-year-old quilt that had been on their bed and to be reminded of his wife daily. He asked me to cut down the oversized king quilt to a queen size. I didn’t want to disrupt the border pattern so I cut the white-background center out of the quilt and sized it down from there. I then covered the seam on the back with binding cut from the scraps.

Mom's Project
A woman’s mother passed away mid-quilt project. With the top complete, her daughter brought me backing and batting and asked that I finish it. Her father had specific requests for quilting it just as his wife would have. The quilt was meant for the couple's bed at the family cabin.

Lastly, a few weeks ago I received a call from my aunt who had moved to an assisted living facility. She ran across a 60-year-old quilt she had since getting married. It was made by a great-grandmother I never knew. She wondered if I could fix it for someone to keep in the family.

The photo below is a baby quilt another great-grandmother made for me when I was born. It's entirely hand-stitched, and I love the flower design.

These little snippets reinforce for me the value people place in the simplest of quilts, attached to so many memories and life events.

Sadly, Google has deleted my listing as they are enforcing the requirement for brick-and-mortar establishments in their business listings—places people can actually visit. I won't be receiving calls any more for quilting jobs, so please keep in mind there are quilters wherever you live who can create a custom quilt for a gift or repair a cherished piece.

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